Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Problem solving

I am so proud of myself and the students today for a lovely lesson about problem solving.  I have noticed that problem solving mainly consists of "Ms.Kelsey Help Me".  I am one person and there are sixteen of them, so this solution is not always available.  So today I decided to ask them what problem solving meant to them, as well as some real life examples.  Their list was rather impressive! They said problem solving can be with math, injuries, solving mysteries, working it out, and finding solutions.
After our discussion they picked groups of four went to their tables to find paper, one tray of paint, q-tips, and straws.  The directions were simple, paint a picture.  Some looked at me waiting for paint brushes while others asked for a paint brush.  I again instructed them to paint a picture.  They quickly realized that they could use the q-tip and straw to paint.  They encouraged each other and provided ideas on different ways to use the supplies.  In the end they created beautiful master pieces.  So proud of them!!
I encourage you at home to practice problem solving with your child over anything and everything. See what solutions they come up with, you might be surprised (=

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

All about me bag

I sent home a brown paper bag and directions.  This is suppose to be a fun activity for the kids to think about what makes them unique.  Parents can help, but for the most part this assignment is for the kids.  I look forward to seeing what the kids bring in to describe themselves.