Thursday, March 15, 2018


We had the most amazing time at the zoo today!!
The jellies helped me out tremendously by listening, asking great questions, and being patient while waiting our turn.  Some would say it is crazy and slightly impossible to take fourteen five year olds to the zoo with only two adults.  Well today the Jellies proved that wrong and showed that it is 100% possible. 
A glimpse at our fun.... keep in mind some of these photos were by request, so if they don't make sense to you they might mean a lot to the students.

While we wait for Mr.Tommy to park the bus (left).  We spotted this cute little bird(right).  The quieter we were the more the birds came out of the bushes.

The orangutans were very active.  The babies didn't seem to mind the cool air they were swinging all around.  Some of them were bundled up in blankets.

 Observing the squirrel monkeys and making predictions about what they are eating. 
 The sun was in their eyes, but we're all smiling so that's all that matters.


Proof of a straight line.  Go Jellies!

What trip is complete without a serious and goofy class picture. 

Last, but not least the trip home. While some still had energy others took a power nap.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

March publishing party

To lead up to our publishing party we were writing First, then, last stories.  A few examples are how to be a good friend, how to get ready for school, how to brush your teeth, and how to make gingerbread cookies.  They then choose their favorite to make a full detailed story.  Going along with the theme of steps and topic of weather to incorporate science I decided our publishing snack would be rainbows.  Below are pictures of the kids first building their rainbows with fruit loops, then assembling it, and finally eating !!

 And of course they deiced a goofy face rather than a serious one.

Science lesson: Weather

We are learning about weather in science, so I decided to bring art into the lesson.  Here the kids are finishing up a three step project where they had to draw in white crayon the different types of clouds. Then paint the sky blue to see how wax resists paint. Finally they label each cloud and write a fact about each cloud.

Fire fighters

More community helpers to teach us about being safe.  Our afternoon was filled with so much fun!

First we learned about how to get out of a house when there is a fire.  Then we saw a fire man all dressed up, just in case we ever see him we now know not to be scared.  After this we went outside and took a tour of the fire truck.  There are lots of tools to help people who are in danger.  The fire fighters thought we listened so well that we were able to climb in the truck.  To top it all off we each got a chance to spray the fire hose!!

Tooth fairy visit

So though this isn't the real tooth fairy.   Katie was given special magic glitter so that she could come visit us.  She taught us all about the importance of brushing and flossing our teeth. Then she left us with a new tooth brush (=

Field trip to the Dunedin arts museum

 We walked around the gallery like true artists, investigating all types of art which used a variety of different mediums.

Then we got to explore the kids portion of the museum.  Making our own movies, playing in a green screen, coloring, and creating sculptures using moon sand!

Book buddies

We enjoy Friday book buddies when the older kids come in to read with us!!